Race Around Ireland Update.

Race Around Ireland 2018 is well under way. Emmet, Colin, and Brendan are Team 403. Donncha is Solo 103 Live tracking available from:  http://racearoundireland.com/ or https://gps.blackblox.si/race/41 Current Projection is that the four man team will reach the Carrigtwohill Service station change over point at approx 19:00 on Tuesday 28th August. This time is an initial estimate, Read More …

Saturday Cycle 25 August departs WGH at 08:30. Distance = 93K.

Sorry, I can't make it.  On Thu 23 Aug 2018, 20:56 Brian Atkinson, <brian.atkinson@iol.ie> wrote: Saturday Cycle 25th August departs WGH at 08:30. Distance = 93K.  Heading Kilworth, Mitchelstown, Ballyhooly, Glenville, WGH Food stop in Mitchelstown.  Please advise Declan if you are going (WhatsApp, email, text)  Route Details are available at: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27749786

OTH CC Winter Gear 2018 Fitting Evening

Over the Hill Cycling Club Winter Gear Fitting evening is scheduled for Thursday 30th of August between 7.30 to 8.30pm at the Café room in the Fruits of the Arts Centre, Watergrasshill, Cork. The items available for purchase on the evening are as follows: Short Sleeve Summer Jerseys 03227    Microfibre Short Sleeve Jersey [Tight Fit]                Read More …