Sunday Cycle 2nd Jan 2022 departs WGH NS at 09:00. 49K. RSVP if going. Valid Licence required. COVID Protocols apply.

Sunday Cycle 2nd Jan 2022 departs WGH National School at 09:00. 

Distance = 49K. 
RSVP if going (Group WhatsApp or Email)
COVID Protocols apply (see below).
There will be two groups depending on numbers. 
A valid Cycling Ireland Licence is required for insurance reasons. 
Licences can be renewed at: 
Heading Bartlemy*, Lisgoold, Waterrock, Carrigtwohill, AOC Commercials, Moanbaun, WGH
Route details are available at:

COVID-19 Protocols.

In order to take part in the club spin the following steps are required from all participants:

1.     Complete the Self-Assessment Personal Screening Questionnaire available at the following link:


2.     Note if you answer Yes to any of the questions you cannot take part in the club activity and should stay at home. 

2.     Reply to Club Secretary (Brian Atkinson) via Email or Club WhatsApp  indicating that you will be taking part

1.     Verbal replies will not be used.

2.     These replies will be used to register participants in attendance using the Cycling Ireland Booking System. The club will do this on your behalf.

3.     It is an Insurance and government requirement for contact tracing purposes. 

4.     The email replies will be also used to pre-assign cyclists to groups. Groups will be 6-8 cyclists in size to avoid congestion at coffee stops. If there are multiple groups these will depart at 5 minute intervals.  Maximum group size is limited to 15 adults. 

5.     Please do not show up to the spin unannounced e.g. without replying via email

3.     Exercise good hygiene before, during and after the cycle

1.     Spitting or clearing your nose during the cycle is not acceptable.

2.     Do not share bottles, food or equipment such as pumps

4.     Maintain 2m social distance at the meeting point, coffee stop and when stopped for mechanicals or punctures.

1.     Currently Coffee stop will be held outside 

5.     Bring a Face Mask to allow entry into shops

6.     Bring a COVID Vaccination Certificate to allow indoor seating